Entries by Merry Bruton

Dream Interpretation at a Porn Convention

A funny thing happened a few years ago when some of us were kicking around potential places and events to go use our dream interpretation skills. Our team regularly sets up in events like Burning Man, Mind, Body and Spirit expos, ArtWalks, film festivals, and such. Each event requires careful planning, fundraising, and things you […]

It’s Time to Dream Again!

A year ago, after a series of traumatic events and some terrifying and bold decisions I made, I faced the most massive test of faith ever for me. Exactly a year ago, I experienced technicolor panic, two days away from being utterly homeless—before breakthrough came and my circumstances dramatically turned around. The previous two years […]

Defining Incompatibility

Incompatibility. That word to me has always evoked a feeling of frustration. It means,”so opposed in character as to be incapable of existing together”. Or “not being capable of being used together in combination.” Blocked. Can’t go any further. All progress stopped. All relationship cut off. I feel I have experienced too much of it […]

What is Burning Man?

Imagine 70,000 people trekking out to a desert wasteland to set up camp for a week and to participate in a temporary city life where there they assume different ‘playa’ names, live in tents or operate artsy theme camps. No running water, clothing is optional, and virtually any form of self-expression is encouraged. Burning Man […]

Who’s Got Your Back? Teamwork at Burning Man

How often do you get to work with folks that you know you instantly ‘belong’ with—a group that is so strikingly ‘comfortable’ you feel you can call them FAMILY? Our team at Burning Man is just such a group of people for me. I’ve traveled there with three different groups over the years—Spirit Dream Camp […]

The Nations at Burning Man

One of fascinating things about Burning Man is getting to meet burners from all over the world. It amazes me that folks would come all the way to the desert of Nevada to camp in the dirt for a week, but the international flair is one of sweetest parts of our experience there. Our team […]

Heartaches of the Big Party

I think about her pretty much every day. I vividly remember her in my mind’s eye—a precious girl from a neighboring camp—seeing her every so often, staggering down the dusty street, scantily clad or wrapped in a thick nasty blanket, with playa hair designed by nature’s sweaty days, dust storms, wild nights, and no showers […]

The Raw Truth About the Burning Man Experience

I’ve been writing every day a little about why our team goes to Burning Man, the exciting parts that drive me to go nearly every year since my first time in 2006. Dream interpretation at Burning Man! I come back each year with powerful stories of helping folks find their way, bringing healing to some […]

Lost in the Desert

Her name is Jessica. She had heard our camp might help her so she waited in line to see us, and when I first saw her, I knew something was terribly wrong. Dressed only in panties and a bikini top (common Burning Man attire), this beautiful young girl looked traumatized and shell-shocked. But to see […]


Have you ever experienced a sucker punch so hard your breath was knocked completely out of your lungs? When a massive blow hits, shock and pain convince us that we just might actually die right there on the spot. Our life flashes before our eyes. We may experience blackout, confusion, terror, and desperation. It takes […]

Time to Upgrade!

I have not upgraded my version of iPhone yet, but when the time comes, I’ll spend a day or two investigating the new possibilities, learning the new programs and tricks, enjoying and celebrating new technology that makes life easier. Who doesn’t love new upgrades? We have come a long way in the communication world from […]

Effective Frequency

Do you have a message that you want the world to hear? Perhaps you are called to get the word out about a particular issue, whether it is a personal lesson learned, a job that requires advertising for your product or service, or something else you are quite passionate about. How do you get people […]

Headlines Instead of Sidelines

Recently I dreamed that I was relaying a story to someone, and as I spoke, the person was reporting what I said to the media outlets, except they enhanced many of the details, I thought in an attempt to get headlines and more attention for their ‘news’. (I literally ‘saw’ the dramatic captions being scripted […]

Get Your Dreams Interrupted

My English major buddies or left-brained friends will probably enjoy what I’m about to say. The rest of you might read with perplexity, wondering, ‘What is the big deal?” The subject: Spelling and Proofreading! I can hear some of you groan already. Many years ago, I worked my way through college editing and proofreading…for English […]

What is in a Name?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, so can a name evoke a thousand images. Your name is a microcosmic representation of who YOU are, your inner constitution, and how you present yourself to the world. Your name also joins with characteristics from others who have shared your name from culture, history, folklore, and […]

Weathering Wild, Unwavering Winds

Windy days are a constant reality here in West Texas. The land is pancake flat, and we only have scruffy trees, so there’s nowhere to hide outside. Spring winds seem especially relentless, or at least you hear more complaining, because the windstorms can last for days at a time. Women: don’t bother styling your hair […]

What’s in your nose?

My grandmother gave me a handkerchief years ago, and got me hooked on hankies—no more tissue boxes. A friend’s little daughter visited the other day, and saw me wipe my nose with my hankie. She thought for a few seconds, obviously curious about my odd little cloth, and asked, “What’s in your nose?” We laughed […]

Discerning Voices

Question: Whose voice do you value most in your life? Your spouse or romantic partner? A wise teacher or mentor? Your child? Your mother’s soothing words when you are troubled? Perhaps a precious someone that you miss dearly and don’t get to connect with often enough? Our spirits leap to hear our loved ones’ hearts […]

Selective Hearing

Previously, I wrote about the significance of listening, and this is a follow-up. As we practice the habit of listening, of becoming compulsive hearers, we discover that in the process, we become more attuned to hearing God’s voice as well. This is a crucial component of dream interpretation—we discover symbol meanings and gain ground in […]

Dream Incorporation

Everyone needs a little time off to step back from the pressing details of life to to refocus on our larger purpose, to recalibrate our perspective and choices so that we will not get stuck in distraction, but continue to gain ground on our journey. We spend a huge amount of time working, cleaning, feeding, […]

Types or Purposes of Dreams

Students of dream interpretation quickly learn that there are roughly twenty-five different types or purposes of dreams. By ‘types’ of dreams, I mean reasons why the dream is released. To unlock the meaning of a dream, we discover the source of a dream, the metaphoric meaning of symbols, and we have to discern WHY a […]

Type of Dreams: Body dreams

Several years ago, I ate a whole chocolate cake in my dream. I delighted in every morsel of deep, rich, creamy chocolate goodness—my favorite dessert. My lips smacked and my tummy hummed with gratification. When I woke up, I felt horrified and distressed, because I was several days into a strict diet, and chocolate cake […]

Knowledge Dreams

Do you ever find yourself knowing something about a situation or a person—that had come to you in a dream? Perhaps something no one would ever have told you, but it becomes valuable or even crucial to solving a problem or navigating through tricky circumstances. God often graciously gives us those ‘missing pieces’ just in […]

Metaphorically Speaking: Edit Yourself!

I recently spied this phrase that has been rolling around in my spirit intriguingly for awhile: “Edit yourself”. I looked up “edit”. It means “to prepare for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying, to choose material for and arrange to form a coherent whole.” To edit something out means to “remove unnecessary or inappropriate […]

Subtleties of Mayonnaise—Symbolizing Spiritual Sensitivity

Yesterday around our lunch table, two families were discussing the sensitivities of children regarding different brands of mayonnaise. Mainly Hellmann’s vs. Miracle Whip but that isn’t the point. People often like one variety and can immediately taste a difference in flavor of another brand. Others strongly prefer that no sandwich salve ever touches their plate. […]

Dreams to Prompt Prayer

I believe every dream we receive potentially initiates a conversation with God. I love waking up in the mornings, pondering my dreams, journaling or sketching them, and talking to God about them. Our ‘conversation’ is always fresh and relevant, never boring or repetitive. Every dream is given as an invitation to go deeper with God. […]

What Color Are Your Dreams? Colors in Dream Interpretation

Can you imagine life without color? Flowers, sunsets, cars, clothing, advertising, the hue of our baby’s eyes—we draw inspiration from the beauty and creativity of color. Beautiful light and color wash our world with wonder. Understanding the importance of coloring is critical to dream interpretation. There is much to say on this subject–here are a […]

Fear Revealed—in Your Dreams

One of my dream interpretation mentors, John Paul Jackson, instructs: “What you fear, you empower. What you focus on, you make room for.” This concept speaks of how susceptible we humans are in allowing life’s difficulties to swallow up our optimism and hope. We often project our ‘tough guy’ image or wear the fake smiley […]

No More Dusty Ceiling Fans or Light Obstruction

After over a year of developing a tolerance for the fuzzy growth of dust on my ceiling fan light fixtures, the moment finally arrived—time to tackle the chore. It took several hours to dismantle the lights, unscrew dozens of tiny screws, wash glass parts and light bulbs, and vacuum the fan blade edges that had […]

Metaphors from the South

How much do you notice the degree of variety in life and language between varying people groups—north to south, rural to city, ages, occupations, even different spiritual groups? When I moved to rural West Texas for college, this city girl from the Washington D.C. area encountered considerable culture shock. I still find myself amused and […]

Using Insider Lingo

Our family knows how to have huge fun with language—ask anyone who knows us. We are a peculiar verbal variety. Our relaxed wordplay stems from study of language, backgrounds and creative experimentation that has given confidence spurring our quirky communication. Every family has their own set of specialized words that may stem from a toddler’s […]

Prophetic Revelation Dreams

I believe all dreams are given to prompt us to pray—the Dream Giver invites us into relationship by providing us with mysterious dream messages to puzzle over—so that we will ask for enlightenment. There is no greater thrill for me than understanding those messages—connecting with Spirit—together on holy ground, through prophetic revelation dreams. I believe […]

Dreams Bring Us Together

As a dream interpreter, sometimes it seems I’m living in a dream. I hear the darnedest things at the strangest times. Dreams bring us together on common ground. People stop me in the grocery store to talk about dreams. The other day, I was heading into a bathroom stall, pants halfway unzipped, when a lady […]

Killer Comparison

Healthy competition in life is good for us all. It forces us to stretch beyond our normal capabilities into new levels of potential. We meet our match, enjoy victory, or experience a thrashing that may bruise the ego but inspire perseverance to overcome the next time. Competition in inappropriate contexts, however, can destroy the joy […]

Dream Fathers

Most of us paused recently on Father’s Day to honor our fathers, the special folks who gave us life and shaped who we are. Dream fathers are the strong arms that held us when we were babies but continue to hold us together and close to their hearts when we need affirmation or protection. They […]

Dreams Calling You to Your Destiny

No matter what age, profession, or level of maturity you have achieved in life, you still have a Destiny ahead of you. Destiny incorporates the Big Picture of who you ARE as well as acts that you are called to accomplish along the way. Are you a dreamer?  You may be receiving dreams calling you […]

What Does God Think About You?

Do you ever wonder what God REALLY thinks about you? Is he proud of who you are? Do you think he is disappointed in your choices? Picture yourself sitting across from God at Starbucks. He slowly leans forward, looks into your eyes, and says, “(Merry), let me tell you what I’ve been thinking about you […]

Do All dreams need to be interpreted?

  Do all dreams need to be interpreted?  Not necessarily.  Every dream may contain meaning, but not every dream is a spiritual dream that needs interpretation.  According to research and experience, we know that dreams can come from three sources: Negative forces or lies God or Truth Self (mind, will, and emotions) Determining the SOURCE of your […]

Creative Dreaming

In reality, we humans create virtually nothing by ourselves. I believe that we primarily receive inspiration from our creator, who imparts ideas to prompt our expressive productivity. We welcome, process, then fashion the revelation into something new that the world has never witnessed before, sometimes through creative dreaming. Many times dreams are the source of […]

Do it Scared

In varied settings this week I overheard several conversations that shared a common thread: fear is keeping people from moving forward into something they know they should be doing. “I need to….but….I don’t know how, am afraid of what people will think, may not have enough money, might get too tired, might upset someone….” etc. […]

Lion Dreams

Have you ever experienced a face-to-face encounter with a lion in a dream? It seems like dreamers are reporting an increasing amount lion dream appearances. Lion dreams usually startle the dreamer with their strong, heart-pounding affects. What do lions mean in dreams? Remember that dreams are primarily symbolic, and that most symbols may possess both […]

What Do Kitchens and Food Mean in Dreams?

A previous blog reflected on a kitchen as an important place in our hearts and homes. Now it is your turn to share your thoughts….have you ever had a dream about a kitchen or food? Do you wonder what your dream was about? What do you think your dream meant? What do kitchens and food […]

Warning Dreams—Divine Destiny Direction

How many times in your life have you had a dream that alerted you to possible turbulence ahead if you continued with a particular pursuit? Even if you don’t understand the dreams, your spirit-awareness heightens toward possible pitfalls that could keep you from making a costly mistake—because of warning dreams. Though highly unsettling and sometimes […]


Autumn is nearly upon us, and recently I asked some friends what came to their minds when they thought about ‘homecoming’. What thoughts and feelings do they associate with the idea of returning home? Answers ranged from ‘Heaven’ to ‘mother’s home cooking,’ to ‘game night’ and even ‘football and decorated mums’. Most people have happy […]

Persevering through Dark and Distressing Seasons

How often do you find yourself struggling through seemingly endless days, weeks, months, or YEARS, battling through obstacles or oppositions that appear to threaten your destiny….or your very existence? Where you feel nothing is working out right—like you are trying to swim uphill—through quicksand? Take heart! Breakthrough is just around the corner! Remember the phrase, […]

Perpetual Deep Rest

The last several weeks for us have been somewhat adventurous, forcing a necessary stretching flexibility in order to survive. Part of the journey was planned, but some surprises sneaked in that added to the drama. I traveled to Burning Man outside of Reno, Nevada, to join a team and 50,000 ‘burners’ in a unique desert […]

Flushing Dream Interpretation

Have you ever paid attention to your dreams during those brief, frenzied periods in life where you are in transition, where you seem surrounded by chaos and too much change all at once? Your head spins from information or sensory overload and your body is fatigued because you are operating in ‘supercharged’ mode, trying to […]

The Power of a Grateful Heart

In this day and age it can be so easy to look around and find gazillions of things to grumble about….from biggies like the economy, poverty, and war….to the tiniest annoyances like a slow computer or a loved one’s messy clutter. Some days, everything seems to multiply and we get worn down by the assault […]

To My Son on his Wedding Day

The Big Day has finally arrived—your wedding day–the day that you publicly, officially promise your heart, your life, and your love to Sweetie Christina, whom we adore and wholeheartedly affirm as the most excellent wife for you. Brady, you have blessed me! I’m grateful for the time that we’ve had together as mother and son […]

Treasury of Wordage

A couple of days ago I treated myself to something I should have done a long time ago as an aspiring writer: I bought myself a Thesaurus! Not just any thesaurus, but the Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus, complete with 300,000 synonyms and exciting, innovative features to equip a writer to creatively utilize word spectrums most […]

Vehicles in Dream Interpretation

What kinds of cars or vehicles do you dream about? I’m not asking about your daydreams of the ‘dream car’ that you would like to own someday, but your proficiency (or not) in driving a school bus, motorcycle, airplane, monster truck, bicycle, or army tank. How do you unlock the meaning of vehicles in dream […]

What is in a Name?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, so can a name evoke a thousand images. Your name is a microcosmic representation of who YOU are, your inner constitution, and how you present yourself to the world. Your name also joins with characteristics from others who have shared your name from culture, history, folklore, and […]

Shine Brightly!

One of my favorite things during the holiday season is the appearance of lights—they manifest everywhere, in trees, yards, on houses, and sometimes in the most unusual places. People line up in their cars, waiting to enjoy light spectacles and shows that shine brightly. Thousands of tiny bulbs glisten as energy flows through them, bringing […]

Green Dreams

Do you ever dream in Green, or notice something especially green highlighted in your dreams, as if someone used a huge paintbrush to attract your attention? Pay attention to the colors in your dreams—they often contribute to the dream’s meaning. Several times last week I listened to people share their ‘green dreams’, and each person […]

New Beginnings and Perfect Timing

I received a beautiful clock for a gift. It is quite an eye-catcher, with a moving pendulum, muted jewel tones, punctuated with a rose design, and it says “Dream” on it—perfect for a dream interpreter who loves color and roses. Problem is, the clock doesn’t work. The hands do not move at all. (Yes, we […]

Poisonous Perils of Perfectionism

Years ago, I realized I had been allowing myself to be taken hostage by a cruel master called ‘perfectionism’. At the time, my primary objective was to display a ‘perfect’ external disguise to cover internal wounds and damage—thus, theoretically preventing any peering persons from observing negative stuff in my soul that could be judged or […]

Seizing Windows of Opportunity

Lately I have noticed the theme of ‘windows’ popping up everywhere. When this happens, I try to pay deeper attention to every time the phrase or picture crops up—perhaps God is speaking something we do not want to miss. Upon some symbolic reflection, some thoughts come to mind: 1. Windows of opportunity: Many prophetic voices […]

Counterfeit Dreams

A major part of the process of dream interpretation is determining the purpose of the dream—why was a particular dream given to the dreamer? To discern the answer, we ask a couple of specific questions. First, what type of dream is it? (roughly 25 types or purposes of dreams exist). Second, where do our dreams […]

To Stew—or Not to Stew?

You’ve got a message or a special gift to dish up for someone in particular. You have cooked up a rich blend of spicy ingredients, simmered up a savory, enticing aroma with a meaty constitution that could satisfy and add zest to their life. But timing and presentation is everything—how warmly do you walk in […]

Everybody, Anybody, and Nobody

Everybody, Anybody, and Nobody Everybody said that Anybody could do The important things Somebody should do. Everybody knows that Anybody could do All the good things that Nobody did. Somebody tells me, “Here is something I don’t have time to do, so I better give it to you.” Why me? No, I’m not going to […]

Quiet Moment Revelation

We live in a busy world. Endless necessities compete for our time—work, school, family, friends, guests, mealtime, housework, meetings, phone, bills to pay. We find it difficult to keep up with it all, much less to fight against the distractions that whittle away at our focus ability. Constant TV, computer chatter, mail/email onslaught suck energy […]

My Life in Glamour Magazine

I dreamed that I discovered an article in Glamour Magazine—about me! I had labored intently to author much of the storyline, but someone else had ‘mastered’ the finished, published product. The words and accompanying photos stunned my mind as they portrayed me as ‘glamorous’—apparently I had achieved much status as a ‘beautiful’ person who not […]

Help! Someone Stole My Wallet!—In My Dreams

“Help! Someone stole my wallet—in my dreams!” This dream consistently tops the search statistics on Destiny Dreamz’s dream interpretation website. Questions about possible meaning of this dream abound, as dreamers wrestle with the feelings of panic, loss, and violation. In real life, a purse or wallet contains vital private information, keys, personal items, and money. […]

Dawning Time

There’s nothing like waking up in the morning within a deep, restful bubble of tranquility, before the day’s swirl of thoughts and activities begin to jar me fully awake. My unconscious mind becomes vaguely aware of the approach of daylight, yet there is still time to fiercely guard the ‘dawning time’, where I can remain […]

Humility Will Get You Everywhere

Have you ever tried to work or minister with people who are ‘experts’ on every topic? They have an opinion about everything and seemingly have nothing to learn. They are excellent, proficient, and magnificent in all areas of life, even if they are just twenty years old. Their arrogance erects walls that no one can […]

Get Your Dreams Interrupted

My English major buddies or left-brained friends will probably enjoy what I’m about to say. The rest of you might read with perplexity, wondering, ‘What is the big deal?” The subject: Spelling and Proofreading! I can hear some of you groan already. Many years ago, I worked my way through college editing and proofreading . […]

Headlines Instead of Sidelines

Recently I dreamed that I was relaying a story to someone, and as I spoke, the person was reporting what I said to the media outlets, except they enhanced many of the details, I thought in an attempt to get headlines and more attention for their ‘news’. (I literally ‘saw’ the dramatic captions being scripted […]

Sew What?

Try this sometime: pick a massive creative project and ask a friend to help you with it. Last weekend my friend and I ‘built a quilt’. We let our funky imaginations take a vacation from daily demands to mingle and design something colorful and unique, just for the fun of it. Our masterpiece is not […]

Who’s Got Your Back? Teamwork at Burning Man

How often do you get to work with folks that you know you instantly ‘belong’ with—a group that is so strikingly ‘comfortable’ you feel you can call them ‘family’? Our Freedom Lounge team at this year’s Burning Man was just such a group of people for me. We spent over a week together, rubbing elbows […]

Desert Adventures at Burning Man

I recently returned from a mysterious adventure to Burning Man, a desert arts festival in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada. Words cannot completely describe the Burning Man experience. This big, dirty, week-long party provides an atmosphere where virtually anything goes, where people can do what they want, sporting fictitious names, costumes, or no clothing […]

Root For Your Rival

How do you respond to opposition—from the people in your life? Those folk that, no matter how hard you try to please or choose peace with, seemingly cannot rest until you are annihilated, obliterated, and eliminated in reputation or status—in ‘comparison’ to them. They ‘keep score’ on your best moves. You can feel their sizing […]

Dream Interpretation ABC’s

Dream Interpretation ABC’s How to develop your ability to interpret your dreams . . . in alphabetical random order: Always pray. Every dream offers opportunity to dialogue with Creator. Ask for more dreams and for their interpretations. Be open to the possibilities of receiving world-changing insight in your dream life. Choose peace. When we shut […]

Our Words—Are They Harming or Healing?

I’ve been disconcerted this week at how quickly and easily folks seem to judge and criticize other people, then publicize their toxic views in any number of ways—through the news, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, personal blogs, social grapevines, and outright bullying. Or even just in traffic! Perhaps in a world of instant technology, folks have forgotten […]

“This Is Your Stuff”

We get wrapped up in our own little world much of the time, concentrating on essential daily details like work, emails, paying bills, posting on Facebook, trying to cover all the bases of our responsibilities. Or, what we THINK are our responsibilities. My ever-growing personal ‘to do’ list usually seems impossibly long—I categorize my tasks […]

Pioneer Power

A funny thing often happens on the way to follow your life’s calling. You discover what you love to do, what you are gifted at, and once you fully commit to ‘go for it’—you invest heavily of all of your resources to get educated and forge forward. The way is difficult, but glorious—as the horizon […]

Spiritual Autoresponders

Once in a while we get a chance to escape our daily routine and take a vacation. If we plan to truly unplug, in order to be responsible, we program our email or voicemail with an autoresponder. So, when people attempt to contact us, they receive an immediate response telling them we do not plan […]

Dream Interpretation Process: Interpret BEFORE You Apply the Dream

Dream Interpretation Process: Interpret BEFORE You Apply the Dream Are you a revelatory-gifted person? If you dream a lot or have delved deeper into your intuitive or prophetic abilities (seeing, sensing, hearing, knowing information beyond the natural and tangible world), you realize that there is an art and growth process in learning what to do […]

Real vs Counterfeit

I recently returned from a trip to Las Vegas, a city quite glitzy compared to home in West Texas, where the lights go out and the sidewalks roll up at 8 PM. Our team did one of our dream interpretation reach-outs in an ‘adult entertainment’ arena—we spoke to porn stars and their ‘managers’ about their […]

Stick to Your Work

In this day and age with millions of distractions at our fingertips, we all experience an increasing need to focus on the most important details of life—or we watch our time slip away as we miss or fritter away precious opportunities. Living in regret, angers, fears, or lack of determination slows us on our Destiny […]


A buzzword that keeps appearing on my radar these days is ‘entitlement’—the notion or belief that one (or oneself) is deserving of some particular reward or benefit (Wikipedia). Often entitlement refers to monetary ‘rights’ or handouts owed to a person by government programs—“I’m not working, so someone else needs to pay my bills.” Touchy subject, […]

No Offense!

“No offense, but you’re a jerk, and our relationship is finished!” Have you ever knowingly or unknowingly messed up and then found yourself on the receiving end of such reactive sentiments? Or perhaps you’ve felt deeply hurt by someone’s actions and you responded in such a manner. Thinking back, whether we were the ‘offender’ or […]

Effective Frequency

Do you have a message that you want the world to hear? Perhaps you are called to get the word out about a particular issue, whether it is a personal lesson learned, a job that requires advertising for your product or service, or something else you are quite passionate about. How do you get people […]

Fully Present

When is the last time you spent an afternoon with someone without interruption of any kind? Where you both were fully present with each other? How did that feel? I had to think back to quite a while ago. It had to involve a time NOT in a public place, not ordering food or drink […]

Reboot Thyself

Humans naturally gravitate toward ruts—boring routines or habits that rule. Our repetitive actions can be positive or negative, productive, lazy, damaging, internal or external. I believe our externals reflect what is happening internally. If we are thinking imaginatively or creatively, we radiate with renewed energy. If we focus on what isn’t working well in our […]

Is My Dream Literal or Symbolic?

In dream interpretation training, a major concept emphasized repeatedly is that dreams are symbolic. Too often we miss the meaning of a dream because we interpret it—or specific symbols in a dream—too literally. We may think our boss in our dream really represents our boss, rather than someone in authority over us that is ‘bossing’ […]

Lessons From the Desert

I got planted in West Texas nearly 20 years ago, somewhat against my will. The people are wonderful here, but scenery is sadly lacking, especially if one has been spoiled by living in pretty places. Believing that I was supposed to ‘bloom where I am planted’, I put down roots, raised children, and have ever […]

Wake Up! God Wants to Talk to You

Years ago when I started learning about dream interpretation, I began to understand that many of my dreams were given to me by God. I came to appreciate that he was communicating with me quite often during my sleep time. Did you know God speaks through dreams? I also realized that he wanted my attention, […]

How Much Heat Can You Take?

Deep in the heart of Texas, we are experiencing summer heat and drought like no other summer that I can remember—relentless heat wave with no rain for many months. Every morning our newspaper headlines highlight drought complications. Today marks our 40th day in a row over 100 degrees—some days my thermometer reads 110. Our region […]

Engaging the Unseen—The Bigger Picture

Lately I’ve been catching myself increasingly doing a lot of ‘double takes’ as I ‘see’ or sense something out of the corner of my eye that I didn’t realize was actually there. A startling flash of dark or white light, a figure, a creature, a door, or even descriptive words hanging in thin air. When […]

Pay Attention!

Have you ever found yourself obviously divinely planted in just the right place at just the right time? A moment reveals an assignment that requires timely precision and action to step in and perhaps prevent a looming disaster? A few days ago I was out walking my dogs and we approached an intersection. I had […]

Choosing the Easy Way or the Hard Way

Yesterday at the doctor’s office, the assistant queried me about the level of pain I felt during a procedure I was undergoing. When I expressed discomfort, she brought me this tiny tube of ‘relief gel’ that is designed to ‘desensitize’ me to pain. I mock-expressed dismay at the tiny tube and requested a vat-full of […]

Don’t Miss Now

Do you ever find yourself in a bubble of time where you regularly vacillate between analyzing your past and dreaming about your future? Perhaps you experienced wounds or failures that can threaten how you perceive your destiny potential if you don’t ‘clean house’ and move into victory mode. Maybe today is painful and it would […]

Dog Training: Lessons Learned from Othello

Our old doggie, Othello, departed from this life only a few days ago, but memories of him stay vivid as life goes on without him. We miss his quirky antics and his oh-so-sweet spirit. We rescued him over ten years ago. He was bone thin, had been severely abused, and was fearful of everything and […]

Boot Scootin’ and Dream Walkin’

I live in West Texas with bunches of ‘normal’ people—and cowboys. It is not unusual to go somewhere and hear the familiar ‘thud/clink thud/clink thud/clink’ produced by someone walking by wearing boots with spurs. I grew up in a big city, and when I moved to small-town Texas, let’s say I experienced culture shock that […]

Old and New Tell-A-Vision

A while back, our old TV bit the dust.  Such a thing would usually not be a big deal, but we’re talking about our ONLY family TV, a 1974 Magnavox console. We bought it used when our son was a baby, more than 30 years ago, and we’ve never had a lick of trouble with […]

Victory Can Be Pre-Ordered

As I clicked through my emails yesterday, I saw an ad for a video game that made me laugh out loud: “Victory can be pre-ordered”. Clever! Purchase this game and you automatically become a Winner. The message implies that you can’t lose. If you plan ahead, invest in this game, you secure the deal. Sign […]

Communication Fail by Insider Lingo

I recently spent many hours navigating through a hosting change for my website. It was something that could probably have been quickly accomplished, but language got in the way. Repeated tickets and indistinguishable responses punctuated my peace throughout the day. For every response I received from customer service, I had to ask for a translation. No, […]

Rise Above!

Ever had one of those days, weeks, or even seasons where nothing seems to go your way? In fact, opposition from every angle threatens to strangle the life out of everything you try to accomplish. You can’t seem to rise above! Extended periods of troubles seems to provoke not just weariness, but a hopelessness if […]

Teeth Dream Interpretation Example

Teeth in dream interpretation often represent our wisdom or understanding:  the ability to digest or process something that is happening—in a certain situation.    It is important to pay attention to which teeth are affected:  missing incisors can mean we are lacking the ability to make decisions, front teeth are what we present when we […]

Butterfly Process

I sat in a quiet place about a month ago and received this download from Spirit. As I shared it with others, it seems that I am not the only one in a heavy season of transition. Are you? For those of you who are, I thought I would share—it powerfully ministers to the tender […]

Wonderful, Wacky YOU!

Inside each of us is a wonderful, wild, and wacky part of our personality that releases color and fun. It inspires us to think outside the box, to live our own upside-down, inside-out fairy tales that are filled with action, fascinating characters, and thrilling, twisting plots that catapult us into delightful zones of imagination. Wonderful, […]

You are the Master of Your Destiny

Life is full of dreams and opportunities. We get to choose which ones to ignore, which ones to set on the back burner for a time, and which ones to pursue. We get busy with the details of life, seasons of necessity for study, family, relationships, work—all the things that responsible people do. Hopefully, we […]

Great Big Southern Howdy

Welcome to my Merry Blog and my brand new website!  I’m excited to step out in a writing journey about dreams and other creative and spiritual topics with you. Feel free to peruse my other blogs, resources, classes, and services.  Let me know how I can help you understand your dreams, or walk through life. […]