Door of Opportunity

When the door of opportunity opens, there is seldom time to prepare

Door of Opportunity
I believe the most important part of our life journey is not so much which job we hold, how much money we make, or how many speaking engagements we can book, but how deliberate we are in building character and integrity.

During those quiet or hidden times when it seems nothing is going positively, how do we direct our time and thoughts? My philosophy says to dust off the disappointments, keep studying, preparing, building, working—and believe for Perfect Timing. Keep a positive and grateful mindset.

While we wait, perhaps it’s time to get a job. Work hard. Save money.  Deal with our emotional baggage, invest in the people around us.  Build bridges and find joy in everything we can.

Do we allow life’s challenges to test us and teach us to respond wisely and lovingly toward others? Are we working on our trustworthiness so that we can handle the ‘increase’ when the time of promotion is ripe and the breakthroughs appear?

Who we are is how we behave when no one is looking.

It is the discipline of continual preparation that primes us for excellence as we step more fully into our destiny. Time behind the scenes is not wasted, but acts as a fuel that keeps us growing and perpetually poised for action.

When the door of opportunity opens, there is seldom time to prepare.

You never know when a ‘SUDDENLY’ might arrive on your doorstep. I will be READY! Will you?

–Merry Burkhalter


2 replies
  1. Rolande
    Rolande says:

    Food for thought and time for a self examination. Thank you!!!


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