Dreams Bring Us Together

Dreams Bring Us Together

Dreams Bring Us TogetherAs a dream interpreter, sometimes it seems I’m living in a dream. I hear the darnedest things at the strangest times. Dreams bring us together on common ground. People stop me in the grocery store to talk about dreams. The other day, I was heading into a bathroom stall, pants halfway unzipped, when a lady stopped me and told me her dream, interrogating me for possible meanings.

Even though dream interpretation is an offbeat subject, it is intriguing to most people. Tell someone that you interpret dreams and get ready to listen for awhile.

Our ‘Dream Team’ (my friend and I) regularly go out to artsy events with our chairs and a sign that says, “Got Dreams? Free dream interpretation”. Folks we’ve never met will sit and share some of their deepest puzzles and problems. For each one, we listen to Spirit for revelation and encouragement to share. We truly feel honored as we are invited to speak into the hearts of new friends.

Our hometown Abilene’s ArtWalk last night kept us busy for hours as we listened and did our best to interpret. Kudos to the brave and precious people who are willing to trust a little and bare their souls to strangers—sweet treasures!

  • Mothers who fear for their children’s safety
  • People experiencing nighttime ‘bear’ attacks and need answers
  • Folks desperate for new beginnings, including the ability to sleep and receive dreams again
  • Artists traveling through portals, entering new realms of creativity
  • Husbands continually pondering troubling recurring nightmares since childhood
  • Social workers recognizing demons in clients

Our dream team listened to dreams about people falling off buildings, getting trapped in algae, handicapped cats, wedding rings on thumbs, cooking pet poodles, finding quarters in laundromats, visions of Creation, elephants made of birthday cake. I promise I am not making any of this up!

Of course, during such a community event, constant distractions threaten to derail our tender moments, such as roaring car engines, loud music, politicians interrupting, friends shouting their ‘howdys’, Zorro on a Segway, and even Darth Vader invading our space and conversation. It can be difficult to concentrate and push past potential interference, but worth every bit of effort.

People often preface their dream by saying, “My dream is so bizarre—you’re going to think I’m a weirdo.” Probably not! I think we’ve heard it all. Dreams are just strange sometimes—thank you for sharing them with us.

Question: in one sentence—what is the strangest thing you have ever experienced in a dream?

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