detours of life

Detours of Life

Brakes and detours in lifeLast week my brakes suddenly went out. They were fine and then they weren’t.

Since I’m working two jobs and rarely have much time off, I had to wait till Saturday to find a fix for my brakes. In a city new to me, I didn’t have any favorite mechanics or familiar places to go, so I ‘randomly’ picked a place close to my house so I could walk home if necessary.

I took my car in, they said it might take two hours, so I started walking. I got almost home and they called…of course, there was more wrong than just needing brake pads. I hurried back to discuss and see the damage (anxiously but bravely pretending that I knew anything about brakes).

I ended up staying there at the brake place for over three hours while they worked on my wheels. (If this were a dream, what would it mean?)

While my car was being tended to, in the inside of the store, something else was stirring. I was inwardly impatient because this was NOT how I wanted to spend a rare free day. Nor could I spare the expense of the work that needed to be done.

So I’m sitting there, waiting, wondering why, and then it happens. The lady at the counter asked me, in front of the waiting room that is packed with people, “Ma’am, what do you do? I saw the bumper sticker on the back of your car and I’m curious what ‘Destiny Dreamz’ is?”

I explained that I’m a professional dream interpreter, that I run a dream interpretation website, teach classes, and build dream interpretation teams.

Her excited response: “Wow! Can I talk to you? I NEVER dream! NEVER! But this morning I had a dream that has rattled me and my whole day, and I can’t shake it…can you help me? I dreamed that I was in my mom’s house…she passed away 4 years ago…..” And she told me her dream, passionately in front of everyone.

Then I knew WHY I was taking out a huge chunk of time on my precious Saturday to sit in a ‘random’ brake place. It wasn’t a coincidence. I must admit that this kind of thing happens to me ALL of the time. (OK, Merry, take a deep breath and shift into what you are called and trained to do: meet this lady’s need). Detours of Life.

I thought for a couple of minutes. Some of the people waiting rolled their eyes. Then I stepped up to her counter and told her what her dream was saying about her life and her circumstances and her heritage—and how she is built and wired to handle everything with strength and insight despite what people thought of her and how she approached her problems. I encouraged her some more and she brightened up and exclaimed, ‘I NEEDED THAT! THAT IS TRUE! WHAT A DREAM! WHAT A GIFT! WHAT AN ANGEL YOU ARE!”.

She was so desperate for answers that she risked opening up discussion of her dream and her life in front of a crowd. Everyone in the room got to witness a beaten-down lady receive what her heart needed most….encouragement….given through a dream, via a lady who needed new brakes. I ended up talking about dream messages to several others and handing out business cards.

This is how I aim to live my life. When interruptions happen, they usually feel inconvenient. But the rewards of keeping an open mind and being flexible and getting out of my own little world to make a difference for someone  is worth all of the waiting and expense that gets thrown in my path. And usually, it works out better for me time and money-wise in the end. (That same week I was ‘randomly’ given enough money to cover that brake repair job and my little dog’s eye surgery as well).

If I will just cooperate and trust in a good outcome. Relax and do my thing. It is the best way to enjoy life.

Question: What opportunities are being offered to you today that you might miss if you don’t take a breath, shift perspective, look around, and then lean into what you are positioned there to do? Where might Detours of Life take you?

5 replies
  1. Damaris Hooton
    Damaris Hooton says:

    Amen…I love it when God has a plan for us to bless others and we don’t see it and…”BAM” it’s in your face. Then…Suddenly you realize..okay this is you God. It’s so awesome to know he’s talking to you and you recognize his voice. People who don’t have that relationship with the father are missing out so much. To know the POWER we possess and the authority given to us to move moutains in the name of Jesus truly changes everything. And to top it off he coves your needs!

  2. Jemba
    Jemba says:

    Thanks for sharing Merry. Very encouraging and touching.

      • Jemba
        Jemba says:

        Dream life is good. It started during that season when I started reaching out to you and has never stopped. I now can’t see my life without it!


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