Do All Dreams Need To Be Interpreted?

Do All Dreams Need to be Interpreted?Do ALL dreams need to be interpreted?  Not necessarily.  Every dream may contain meaning, but not every dream is a spiritual dream that needs interpretation.  According to research and experience, we know that dreams can come from three sources:

  • God or Truth
  • Self (mind, will, and emotions)

Determining the SOURCE of your dreams helps us discern the type or purpose and how to respond.

Often, our dreams are a mere re-playing of the day’s events, or are clear indicators of certain stressors we are experiencing at the time, and these we are already aware of (self dreams).  Have you ever played a video game right before bedtime and continued playing it in your dreams?  Probably these kinds of dreams do not need to be interpreted—although we can respond by realizing we need to cut back on our game playing.

If we are having negative, lying dreams, those may be telling us what we are up against in life . . . what opposing forces are whispering in our ears.  Stuff that isn’t the truth.  Wouldn’t you want to become aware so you can turn things around?

Also, sometimes, a dream’s meaning is sealed from us until a later time, locked away in our memory until the time is ripe for us to understand. We may not be able to interpret . . . yet.

If a dream is a spiritual one  from God, why wouldn’t we want to understand the message? Consider what we miss out on if we don’t take time to decipher.

I don’t believe ANY time spent pondering our dreams is a waste of time.  And every dream is an invitation for us to draw closer to the Dream Giver to ask questions and listen for direction.

One of my dreamer friends says, “A dream not interpreted is like a letter unopened.”  Even small messages in our dreams can bring huge change if we will pay attention.

Do All Dreams Need To Be Interpreted?