Dreams of Hidden Rooms

Hidden RoomsDreams of finding hidden rooms, or rooms that you were unaware of in your present house or place of business can indicate a new potential for your life that you are just now realizing. You are discovering previously unrealized potential!

Expanded house dream:

I dreamed that I was looking through our house and realized that there were many more rooms available that we weren’t even using!  I told my husband that we could take all of the furniture that is in our garage, clean it up, and put it on display in one of these rooms—for people to come and browse and borrow.  I was so excited as I looked and saw new empty bedrooms and office rooms.  Lots and lots of them.  They were very clean and ready to move in.  Part of the house was also connected to Bank of America.  Then, I went into a basement and there was this huge garage—very clean, no junk, with a beautiful, wrought-iron garage door, very fine quality.  I wanted to bring my car down and use the garage!

Dream Interpretation:

Your dream says that you are realizing that some major life expansion that has taken place, paving the way for the abilities and gifts you have stored up to be presented  and offered to others.  You are becoming aware of the vast potential opening up for new relationships, work ideas, networking, and abundant financial provision.  There is also the opportunity for a fresh start, a clean slate with no clutter or ‘baggage’ to hinder you from a safe haven of operation.


Attached Apartment Revealed:

My husband told me that neighbors approached us about measuring our house so they could better appraise theirs. I was concerned but it seemed they were going to do it anyway. We quickly dusted and tidied up the rooms making sure to remove the things from under the beds so that they could measure without hindrance. They then checked out the other rooms in the house.

I remember that there was some water damage over the kitchen sink that was causing the tile to become loose. One of the neighbors turned to me and sternly said, “Fix this!” They proceeded to a room in the house I didn’t even know I had! It was really more like a mother-in-law apartment (old Victorian–it would have been grand in its time). Though attached to the house, it had been sealed off. Wallpaper yellowed cracked, cobwebs, etc. I vaguely remember the neighbors saying this would really increase the value of the house if we fixed it up.

My son suddenly exclaimed, “I see a silver haired ghost.”I saw it too. No one else could. The neighbors and husband seemed to ignore us. I noticed two other ghosts, one rather large. These ghosts concerned me and I felt this place had been sealed up for a reason. I follow the others out and am about to close the door when I hear the larger ghost groan behind me. He had come out with us and his ghostly groans were loud and frightening. Boldly, I turned to him and said, “Leave this house!”  I made it perfectly clear that he had no right or business in my part of the house.

Dream Interpretation: 

Your dream says that you come under a time of undesired scrutiny by some people close to you. There is a ‘sizing up’ or comparison and some expectations of your taking action.  This brings an unsettling to you, and even reveals a negative issue of your life that you didn’t even realize was there.  As you ‘clean up’ little things, larger things are exposed for your heart’s eyes to see and you deal with them openly, your dream says that you are protected, and that this situation could open up a whole new strength for you to develop and move into.

Dreams of Hidden Rooms

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