Prophetic Revelation DreamsProphetic Revelation Dreams

I believe all dreams are given to prompt us to pray—the Dream Giver invites us into relationship by providing us with mysterious dream messages to puzzle over—so that we will ask for enlightenment. There is no greater thrill for me than understanding those messages—connecting with Spirit—together on holy ground.

I believe God savors sharing his secrets with his seekers.

Often, we receive revelation so we can act or pray wisely. Always, it encourages us to know we are hearing and interpreting correctly—for instance, through prophetic revelation dreams. We are given a picture of what is happening or going to happen—from God’s perspective.

For example, I dreamed last week that I watched a husband of a couple I know, busily at work. He was happily rewiring their bedroom, installing new electrical outlets, increasing the power output for each one. Because of the new location of outlets, the furniture needed to be rearranged. In the dream, I wondered about the extent of change needed and how existing clocks and plug-ins would handle the shift in energy.

I saw the husband the other day and shared my dream interpretation with him. I wasn’t sure if he was symbolic or not. We talked about symbol possibilities: a bedroom could represent a place of rest or intimacy, for a marriage and possibly also in spiritual lives. Outlets would represent the ability to tap into an increased and multiplied source of power (some ‘rewiring’ in thinking could be necessary). Furniture would represent equipping or the storage of gifts and combined qualities to be used in everyday life.

Imagine my surprise—and delight—when he told me that in real life, they ARE installing new electrical outlets in their bedroom—thus, also rearranging their furniture. He shared with me that his wife has been sensing a greater ‘charge’ and intensifying strength between them!

Of course, my response is to pray for them during their transition, that nothing will get FRIED in their process. But also, to take comfort that Creator knows their details and cares to speak to me about it all—so I can be an encourager. Sweet deal!