Dream Incorporation

Dream Incorporation

Dream IncorporationEveryone needs a little time off to step back from the pressing details of life to to refocus on our larger purpose, to recalibrate our perspective and choices so that we will not get stuck in distraction, but continue to gain ground on our journey.

We spend a huge amount of time working, cleaning, feeding, maintaining, connecting, surviving, but how 0ften do we stop and ask ourselves where all of our activities are leading? Are we living day to day just trying to keep up, or are we heading somewhere in particular?

Where will you be when you get where you are going?

I recently reflected upon my passions and dreams (daydreams as well as night dreams). I’ve always marched to the sound of my own drum (some might accuse me of having poor rhythm, but really, I am just normally ‘offbeat’). I clarified what I sense to be my life purpose:

“To passionately follow God’s voice through uncharted territory, to pioneer and plow paths, highlighting them with his radiance—and to joyfully inspire and nurture the other brave souls willing to join the Journey.”

While these words might sound vague (I did list more specifics), they exhibit my ‘code’ or style. Hopefully, this statement doesn’t sound arrogant, but it does reflect patterns and possibilities that I regularly experience, feel called to, and dream about.

Settling ‘who I am and what I do’ is a helpful exercise especially when circumstances are difficult, and I feel at risk, alone, or opposed, I can remind myself that part of what I do is to ‘plow paths’. I’m traveling on a non-traditional route that is not paved or well-trafficked. This sometimes requires me to step ‘way out’, breaking through rocky ground face first (at least this is how it often feels).

I believe many of you are called and gifted to open the world up to unique and unexplored adventures. But you may not realize the extent—or the cost—of leading the way. In fact, if you are not certain, you might give up, thinking that something is wrong with you or that you don’t have what it takes.

What have you been dreaming about? Take some time to examine and determine your direction—target your goal and give it everything you’ve got! Allow dream incorporation into your new Operating System.

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