Navigating Dark Seasons and Painful Change

Navigating Dark Seasons and Painful Change

Navigating Dark Seasons and Painful ChangeHow do you cope when you feel trapped in wretched circumstances in life with no discernible escape route? When you dread the daytime because of decisions that you must make (or want to avoid making), and you perceive no answers—-when the route seems impossible?  When you dread the nighttime because of anxiety and sleeplessness that threaten and tighten like a noose around your heart and mind, overtaking your sanity by assaulting you with your very worst fears?

What do you do when you feel you can’t go on?  When you don’t see any options?  When you wonder how in the world you are going to survive the panic or feelings of hopelessness even one more day?

Ever been there?  Yeah, me too. A few times in my life, I found myself desperately hoping for a miracle or help that will end The Nightmare. Perhaps you are even there right now?

Most Dark Times often seem to hold no quick answers for relief. Most often, the only way OUT of the storm is to blaze right on THROUGH it. One bold step at a time.

Easier said than done, I know. How do you find the strength to go on when terror or pain surrounds you on every side and you don’t know what to do?

First, take a deep breath. Take more breaths. Tell yourself you WILL get through this. Because you are brave and stronger than you realize, and this part of your journey is crucial to get you to where you need to be in life, knowing more things about you. You will achieve success and have a story to tell at the end that will inspire others.

Know that this season is a turning point for you, a chance to prevail as you respond to the challenges. You will be a different person when this trial is over. A better person. I promise!

You likely didn’t get into your situation overnight, and likely you won’t get out that quickly, either. A Redo takes time to break old habits, adopt new insights and actions, and to let your mindsets and character be forged through the process.

Think TRANSFORMATION. Allow the change  Embrace it! Most times, change can be a really good opportunity to rise above what has been your ‘normal’. You are repositioning to encounter a massive upgrade in life.

Tell yourself, “Delight ahead, instead of Dread.” Write it everywhere to remind yourself to change your thinking, to train your brain to anticipate good adventures in life instead of anticipating fearful potentials.

It is ok to make mistakes. It is ok to fail. Often failure means we get to close the door on something that has sapped our strength for a long time….and we get to move forward with wisdom that comes from EXPERIENCE.  Learn from your mistakes and use them to launch into something better.

Community and support is vital. Remember, you are not alone. Everyone has gone through trauma and trials and it sure helps to link arms with someone who has been through similar STUFF. They know what you are going through and can give you support and wisdom and acceptance. They can remind you WHO you are on those days where you forget.

Take care of yourself. Eat well, drink lots, get some exercise, fresh air and sunshine to nourish your body so you will feel better.

I hear the Spirit of Truth saying to some of you, “I know your past, where you have been in your life. I also know the future, where you are going. I know you can’t see very clearly right now, you don’t know the Big Picture. Things seem dark and oppressing.

“Can you trust me to walk you through this darkness?  Give your grief and your confusion to me and lean into me. I will give you directions for each step, each decision, each tricky place. Take my hand. Just hold on and trust me. This trusting part is vital for you to survive and succeed now, as well as for the rest of your life—to believe and have faith in Someone bigger than you.

“I am the Provider for everything that you need and I want you to learn and intimately know that. Leaning into me right now will lighten your load, refresh you, heal you, and give you hope for the future, because it isn’t all up to you to fix the mess you are in. Your situation hasn’t taken me by surprise, and I know the way out, if you will just hang with me. I will give you unimaginable peace in the process. I’m proud of your courage and hard work. You are going to be ok!”

The pain always seems darkest right before dawn. That is true. Usually when you think you can’t stand any more, look for breakthrough right around the corner. Listen! Can you hear the applause of the many people who love you who are cheering you on because they believe in you?

Navigating Dark SeasonsYour story isn’t finished yet. Don’t assume this is the end. Keep writing your story until it has a happy ending.

You know the phrase, “All things work together for Good in the end.  If things aren’t good yet, then it isn’t the end.”

Hold on and keep going, you are going to be ok! Anticipate the joy that will be yours when you can finally say, “Whew! I got THAT behind me!”

What do you need prayers or support for in your life right now?

Here are a couple links describing some of my Dark Seasons, now Survived 🙂

It’s Time to Dream Again

Love Story, Dreams, Words with Friends, and a Marriage

Navigating Through Dark Seasons and Painful Change





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